Investment Promotion | MobiNova® high-throughput single-cell platform is hot for investment

Editor:MobiDrop (Zhejiang) Co., Ltd. │ Release Time:2023-06-28 

New era, new windfall, single-cell sequencing market size up to 10 billion yuan!

The first high-throughput single-cell sequencing article was published in 2009, followed by exponential growth of single-cell articles. 2018 and 2019 single-cell technology was named as the top 10 innovative technologies of the year by Nature and Science!


Figure | Statistics of the number of single-cell articles published and related news


In 2021, the global single-cell sequencing market reached $2.64 billion, and Allied Market Research estimates that it will reach $13.62 billion in 2031, with a compound annual growth rate of 17.8%!

By 2022, China's National Natural Science Foundation (NSFC) has invested a cumulative total of nearly RMB 1 billion in single-cell and related fields!

Both universities, research institutes, hospitals and pharmaceutical R&D institutions are in urgent need of single-cell sequencing platforms with convenient operation, good stability, superior performance and low price! All these show that single -cell sequencing has a broad market prospect!



The founding team is from Harvard University and specializes in single-cell sequencing by droplet method

Founded in Boston, USA and located in Zhejiang, China, MobiDroptech also has a commercial and R&D center in Shanghai.

The company is led by Prof. David A. Weitz, the inventor of high-throughput single-cell sequencing technology, who is a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and a founding father of microfluidics!

CEO Roy Pei and CTO Wenshan Zheng, who studied under David Weitz, have rich technical accumulation in the field of single-cell sequencing, and COO Han Liu, who has been the head

of medical projects and product director of McKinsey, Clarify health, etc., has rich product and marketing experience.

At present, the company's research and development personnel, consisting of masters and doctors, account for 50% of the total number of people, gathered across the mechanical, electronic, optical, firmware, biochemical, biochemical, sequencing, medical and other 15 disciplines of the talent echelon! We have more than 7000 square meters of office, laboratory and plant, and 2000 square meters of GMP production workshop.

The company has over 70 independent intellectual property rights, including 16 patents exclusively granted by Harvard University.

Figure | Related Papers


It is worth mentioning that in June 2022, Dr. Wenshan Zheng, CTO of Mobidrop, published in Science journal "High-throughput, single-microbe genomics with strain resolution, applied to a human gut microbiome" in Science.

This technology is a technological breakthrough in the field of microbiology, leading microbial research into the era of high-throughput single-cell genome sequencing. The technology has now been commercialized and the MobiNova-M1 microbial single-cell sequencing library system has been launched.



MobiNova® high-throughput single-cell platform hits the customer's pain points


High-throughput single-cell sequencing is widely used in life science research, pharmaceutical R&D, and clinical research. It will bring the precision of research from the tissue level to the single cell level, advancing precision medicine into the 2.0 era.


Figure | Applications


MobiNova®  high-throughput single-cell transcriptome solution is a complete solution covering instruments, reagents and biochemical analysis software, which is "very" stable and 100% reliable, hitting the pain point of poor data reproducibility in single-cell sequencing experiments.


Figure | MobiNova® High-Throughput Single Cell Transcriptome Solution


Excellent stability

The results of 2 independent replicate experiments using mouse lung tissue showed highly reproducible cell profiles, captured cell counts, and median gene counts.


Figure | Highly overlapping data from 2 independent replicate experiments


Three major technical innovations

In addition to the significant advantage of excellent stability, MobiNova® also introduces three major innovations.

Innovation 1: The microfluidic chip is designed with reagent and cell partitioning to reduce the interference of reagents with cells and reduce system errors.


Figure | Microfluidic chip diagram


Innovation 2: The nucleic acid capture link uses LightCut™ photoexcitation separation to complete the molecular labeling of nucleic acid capture. It avoids the polymer compounds generated by microspherelysis from entering the subsequent system and interfering with the efficiency of the subsequent reaction.


Figure | LightCutTM photoexcitation separation diagram


Innovation 3: High-speed microfluidic channel design shortens the nucleic acid capture time to 6 min, further reducing the risk of mRNA degradation and improving experimental efficiency.



Performance parameters are basically on par with international brands, with new multi-omics products emerging

MobiNova® high-throughput single-cell transcriptome solution can achieve up to 20,000 cells capture in a single channel, capture 10,000 cells with a double -cell rate of less than 5%, shorten nucleic acid capture time to 6 min, and run 4 samples at a time. MobiNova® -100 key performance has been basically equal to international brands!

In December 2022, MobiNova further launched MobiCube high-throughput single-cell V(D)J kit on the MobiNova® platform, enabling high-throughput single-cell 5' transcriptome + V(D)J full-length sequencing. This technology can be used in multiple fields such as oncology research, immunotherapy, immune-related diseases, infection-based diseases, and antibody and vaccine development to meet the needs of immunology research.

During June to September 2022, MobiSolution tissue preservation kits, lyophilization kits and tissue dissociation kits will be launched to solve common sample pre-processing problems such as sample preservation and dissociation for smooth experiments!

In 2023, MobiCube high-throughput single-cell transcriptome kit 2.0 and single-cell epigenomics kit will be launched to further broaden the single-cell solution based on MobiNova®!


We invite partners to explore the single-cell sequencing market together!

Since its launch on April 15, MobiNova® has been widely recognized by domestic single-cell sequencing head service providers. Union River Biology, Ouyi Biology, Baiao Zhihui, Boao

Jingdian, Protin, Nomi Metabolism, Sequence Code, Crystal Energy and other service providers have signed strategic cooperation agreements with MobiNova.

Figure | National Partners


MobiDrop has conducted in-depth scientific cooperation with the School of Marine and Earth Sciences of Tongji University and the Institute of Chemical Machinery of Zhejiang University. Customers from universities such as Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, Pediatric Hospital affiliated with Fudan University, the First Affiliated Hospital of Xi'an Jiaotong University, Shanghai Pulmonary Hospital, Zhejiang Cancer Hospital and other tertiary hospitals have also expressed full recognition of MobiNova's single cell sequencing products.

MobiNova® products are in the process of investment promotion nationwide, and we invite all companies and agents to explore the new market of single -cell sequencing and build a new ecology of single-cell sequencing industry together!

Become our agent, you can get our full support, including but not limited to the following.   ①  Provide comprehensive training, application technical support and after-sales service system for the complete product;

②  Regularly invite agent partners to attend industry seminars and summits to solicit relevant comments and suggestions on products and services;

③  Enjoy the company's occasional product market promotion policy;

④ Optimize and iterate product functions according to customer requirements.

About Mobidrop


Founded in Boston, USA and located in Zhejiang, China, MobiDroptech is a group of talented people consisting of international top scientists and executives from multinational medical device companies. We are committed to empowering scientific research and precision medicine with innovative microfluidic and single-cell sequencing technologies. It has become a leader in research+IVD solutions with key technologies such as microfluidics, sequencing, biochemistry, hardware development, and bioconferencing, and has launched a dual technology platform for single-cell sequencing and digital PCR, developing in parallel in multiple fields such as liquid biopsy, companion diagnostics, and life science research.